Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Conclude with Authority

While I was clearing my workroom today, I picked a jotter book that I had started to write 7 years ago in my personal scrawl, entitled: CONCLUSIONS AUTHORISED TO MAKE AFTER YOU TURN 45.

I guess when I was under 45, nobody listened much to what I said because I did not have sufficient experiences in life, and presumably, I lacked the wisdom of someone with white hair. Anyway, I turned the pages and here are some thoughts .....

People who ask: "What do you think?" are not wanting your opinion, but your confirmation for what they have already decided to say or do.

You cannot discipline or punish a child if you have not taught or trained him (i.e repeated the teaching point) in the way he should go.

People who say they are "busy" are probably disorganised rather than gainfully occupied with activities and lives around them.

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