Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cakes to See and Savour

I've just made a birthday cake for a friend.

Although I'm generally not a "cake person", I reflected on the significance of having a cake to celebrate life. It seems to me that a cake is not just for eating ---- it represents what that life loves!

So....for my friend who's an ardent Manchester United fan, here's a soccer ball on top!
And for my kids when they were animal lovers.....a butterfly, a caterpillar, a bunny rabbit!

But if you're just interested in eating, here's the "Carrot Cake for Dummies" recipe:-

SIFT 2 tsp salt2 cups plain flour
2 tsp bicarbonate powder
2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp salt

ADD 2 cups castor sugar
1 1/2 cups canola oil
4 eggs beaten


ADD 3 cups grated carrot
1 cup crushed pineapple (drained)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup raisins

POUR into greased baking tray.

BAKE at 180 degrees C for 45 mins.

YUMMY MUMMY it's great in my tummy!!!

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