Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Facing cancer

Last night i had dinner with an old friend who has recently been diagnosed with cancer --- 4th stage.

Just the word "cancer" causes a range of questions to run through my mind.
Just the number "4" rings a fear and finallity about it.
Just the fact that a friend has this dreaded condition just seems unbelievable ---- of course i know many people 'out there' (from Hollywood stars to the silent guy in the hospice) suffer from it, but when it happens to people you know, it has a different feel.

I have seen my sister die.....was it the cancer that killed her or was it the chemotherapy that reduced her to a physically unrecognizable state?

When she discovered the ovarian cancer, well-meaning friends advised her to detox, go on a juicing diet, give up on high protein and carbo. Naturally, she lost a lot of weight ---- kilos that could have helped her survive the pounding effects of chemo. She was only able to go through 4 of the recommended 6 sessions. That's sad.

She wanted to live! But her body could not survive.

I don't have the medical theory. I don't have the medical authority.
But I ask myself:
"What will I do if I were diagnosed with cancer and I need to go for chemo?"

I will eat a balanced diet!

I will build my body up!

I will put on weight!

But for now, yes.....I will cleanse my body, get rid of all the toxins, and eat right!!!

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