Sunday, October 15, 2006

Embarrassing but who cares???

Yesterday I was in a usual (that's why they call us Rushians?!) to go to the Expo. I got there and was picking a piece of paper that had dropped onto the floor, when my eyes right foot had on a blue sandal and my left foot was wearing a brown sandal, with a totally different design!

How embarrassing!

I was going to laugh aloud --- ah....but that would have added to the embarrassing moment!
So I made a quick decision to just keep quiet and walk on as if nothing was amiss in a crowd of hundreds!

Of course several thoughts went through my mind --- I could go buy a new pair of sandals...I could get my husband to go home and get me my 'other half'.... If anyone were to laugh at me, I was prepared to say it was fashionable to wear different color footwear....Or I could just say that I was doing a survey to see if people actually notice what people wear!

I went through my day from Expo to Changi Airport Arrival Hall (to meet a family), then to a Food Court for lunch, went to Ghim Moh (a housing estate), walked to a supermarket to buy groceries, and walked through a carpark....NOT A SINGLE SOUL commented, came to me, or even giggled at me all day.

My conclusion:
We think people notice us --- they don't.
We think people care what we wear --- they don't.
We think we have an embarrassing experience --- people are not even conscious of our existence!

So let's not be so self-centered, but be others-centered.
Then I'm sure when we notice them, when we care about them, when we are conscious of their needs and their experiences, they will then see us!

link | posted by Coach Jonathan Wong at 11:20 PM |


Blogger mabel commented at 4:00 AM~  

alamak! trust you to do that but u r rite, people dont care, only i, me, myself care. shows how egoist we are. have connected yr blog with my blog - hope u dont mind.

Blogger Luke Ng commented at 8:41 AM~  

hey, your blog is really inspirating and it is not only to mothers, but even students like me, i have learn quite a lot from just reading.
shall be your loyal reader:)

Blogger pilgrimparent commented at 8:02 AM~  

Too funny. And you are right, people notice a lot less than we think.

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